Friday 8 December 2006

The Beginning

Hi there. Horrible way to start a blog, but there you go. I'm a horrible man. For those of you who don't know me, my Second Life name is Tyranor Horus, and like to teach within Second Life. I was lucky enough to be allowed to teach on Info Island, amongst such brilliant people as Eiseldora Reiseman, so got an amazing introduction to teaching in SL, whilst still being allowed far more independance than most Linden approved instructors got back in the day.
The reason I decided to create this blog is because, with a meeting on corporate sponsorship of classes today, I feel like that independance may be threated.
As of tomorrow, LL (Linden Labs) is abolishing the instructor stipend. So what? I hear you cry! Instructors will keep teaching, and band together in schools, as they always have. SL will go on.
After the meeting today, I'm not so sure. You see, NetG along with ASL is offering all instructors a rather tempting offer: teach your classes under the ASL banner, and you get paid. Apparently pretty damn good money at that. What the offer really is though, is this: teach ASL approved classes, as an ASL approved instructor, on ASL/NetG land, with NetG support, and we can pay you. Can an ASL instructor teach elsewhere and still receive his money? No, fraid not. Can he teach his own classes? Not if we don't approve them. Can other schools become NetG affiliates? Again, no. Sorry lad, but if were going to pay you to do things, your just going to have to do things OUR WAY.

Now frankly, in normal circumstances, I wouldn't mind. This is SL after all, haven and heaven for capitalism, and competition will of probably render this offer all but useless. Or will it? Its rather different this time around. It's not this offer which is scaring me, but the fact that its likely all sponsor offers in the future may be very much similar. And teaching without independant thought is all but pointless in my opinion.
I have managed to organise a meeting for instructors tomorrow at 5. Will let you people know how it goes.

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